You Have Been Evicted Please Leave Our Screens
I'm relishing the thought knowing that soon yet another trash television program is about to go off air. Yes, I'm talking about Big Brother. They announced last year that it was all going to end and I for one cracked open the champagne, inflated the balloons and prepared to celebrate. Now I haven't always felt this way, but as the years have gone on I've seen it become more and more cringeworthy with the oddest set of people brought together in a small cage. The early bb's were to me anyway more enjoyable with great characters such as nasty Nick, Jon Tickle, Jade Goody and who can forget the tourette suffering Pete Bennett. They were what seemed to me to be groups of normal people, yet over the years the choice of contestants appeared to get worse. Now of course, they have made ultimate bb with past contestants battling to be the ultimate winner. The winner in my eyes is the public as we won't have to put up with this rubbish for much longer although ive got this horrid feeling that it will be picked up by another channel in the future.
Big Brother,
Jade Goody,
Jon Tickle,
Nasty Nick,
Pete Bennett